Wood-shafted golf club repair and restoration isn’t always for the faint-at-heart, but those who are willing to learn, can certainly deal with a large majority of maintenance issues with our clubs. In fact, these clubs are more forgiving than we first imagine. For bigger challenges, however, there are a few “go to” craftspeople who bring a career of experience and skill to any restoration project—from a complete rebuild to custom work of any kind. One of those people is John Henry Williams.
In this episode, we cover a broad range of topics related to club care and restoration and John shares some of the unique processes that he has fine-tuned to restore years of practical life to even the most battered and abused hickory golf clubs. Even if you think you know everything about club repair, you’ll want to hear about his vacuum technique to infuse low viscosity epoxy into every nook and cranny of a cracked golf club head. It’s possible that no one else does what John can do.
We refer to several products and services throughout the episode. Links to some of those are below. Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Plus Four podcast.

Brookside Golf Club Restoration Facebook Page
Persimmon Golf Society
David Bass Golf Club Restoration
Wood Brothers Club Restoration
Skidmore’s Restoration Cream
#1 Upholstery Tacks